Saturday, June 15, 2013


A couple of weeks ago, we were at the library picking out books.  Somehow, Corey ended up with a book titled "How to Make Slime" and he was very insistent that this was a book he really wanted to check out.  Not wanting to stifle his enthusiasm about the library and learning in general, I said ok and off we went to the checkout counter.

Later at home it was one of first books he pulled out.  "Mommy, can we make slime?" We read through the book, looked at the ingredients list and instructions, and even though it seemed like it would be terribly messy, we gave it a shot.

Let me be the first to was actually really cool!  The little boys loved playing with it, however, they weren't very keen about getting it on their hands (crazy I know).  And in the end, it really wasn't all that hard to clean up. Maybe, just maybe, we will do it again someday.  Someday when they are old enough to get how cool it is that something can be slimy and solid at the same time!!

1 comment:

Gram said...

Is it like diluted homemade play dough? You are a courageous momma. :O)