Now back to present day, these trees started to drop their fruit...fruit that didn't really look ripe. I decided to bravely taste one that was still on the tree, and to my pleasant surprise, it was delicious! It tasted like a sweet juicy plum. I turned to the Internet and found pictures that lead me to believe we have a greengage plum tree (they might both be, but the other fruit looks more golden, so it may be a yellow gage plum...but honestly I haven't tasted its fruit as the branches are too high).
So what does one do with plums other than eat them fresh off the tree (there are way too many for that option alone). I just happened to have my mom's dehydrator handy, and I thought I would give it a whirl. I watched over them as I carefully dried them, and when they looked like they were nearing dried perfection, I popped one in my mouth for a quick taste test. Okay, have you ever had a Cry Baby sour candy? You know, the kind that makes your jaw start to lock up as your mouth puckers at the tartness? Well, that was exactly what jaw started to lock up, my lips puckered, but instead of turning into a sweet pleasant taste that make the Cry Baby candies worth while, my jaw just continued to tense up and I finally had to spit it out. See, what I didn't mention above was that the peel of the fruit was tart, but it was a wonderful taste in combination with the sweet flesh...apparently when you dry up the sweet flesh, you are left with just sour peel. Luckily some people in this household are enjoying them. And luckily, I had dried some cherries with them just because I really like dried cherries.
The picture above shows dried apricots, my mystery fruit, and cherries. The apricots were the reason I had the dehydrator in the first place.
haahaa! Great post! :D The mystery fruit is a mystery. Germany has some "pie/tart" recipes that go with plums. Usually the purple ones, but if you are interested let me know, and I'll get a recipe for you. :)
Love you! K :)
I must say... that looks tasty. It could because I'm hungry, but I'm generally a fan of dried fruit and suffer the 'consequences' of over-indulgence gladly. :D
Looking forward to our time with you guys.
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