Monday, January 28, 2013

Name, Numbers and Noodles oh my!

As you probably guessed from the title of this post, last week was N week.  I had all sorts of wonderful things thought up for the week, and I think I used them all up on day 1 (well, used them up, or had my idea completely rejected...Corey often wants to do a craft or project HIS way, and well there is just no changing his mind!!)!

First we started with his name.  We wrote it out on his white board, and I had him point to and name all of the letters in his name (this is not the first time we have done this...we have spelled his name out to him pretty much from the beginning).  I am happy to say that I think he actually got it this time...both letters and order!  We glued noodles in the shape of his name, and then I tried a play dough mat with his name.  He was supposed to form play dough into the shape of each letter, but he had his own ideas, so instead I did it and let him chop it up when I was done.  At least that way it was done both my way AND his way ;0).  I had the wonderful idea to let him use the play dough mat as a dry erase board so he could trace his name...but no such luck.  He just wanted to color in the O.  Oh well.
Don't be fooled, mommy did ALL the work ;0)
Corey enjoying destroying his play dough name
Kyle destroying his name (which mommy also made for him).
I think he was his brother's inspiration!
Later that day (while little brother was still napping), we dyed noodles.  He had a great time counting out the drops of food coloring and helping me pour in the vinegar (we used this as opposed to rubbing alcohol just in case Kyle tried to eat them...which he did ;0)).  It was lots of fun, but I think I left them in the dye mixture too long and the noodles had gotten a bit soggy so they were much harder to dry than I had anticipated (all the links to dying noodles made sound really easy...they also forgot to mention how stinky it was...perhaps another problem due to my letting them sit too long!).

Several days later, we were able to play with them.  We tried making necklaces (notice the N ;0)), but the noodles were a little to long for easy stringing.  I had to help Kyle with his, and Corey stopped at about 4 noodles.  Oh well.

Kyle modeling his necklace

We also spent some time working on number recognition and counting.  We have some neat dice that a friend of ours let us borrow.  They have the numbers 1-6 written on the sides, so we would roll the die and Corey would have to name the number showing.  All in all I think we had a very productive homeschooling week...even if it didn't all go as planned.

Oh and just a side note, the play dough mats/dry erase boards inspired yet another idea.  We made face mats.  We used them as place mats for snack and made faces with our snack food.  This could also be used with the dry eraser pens to make funny the face Corey made with a giant tooth and mouth and nothing else, then told me it was ME! Ha! (unfortunately, I didn't take a photo of that piece of work ;0))


Saturday, January 12, 2013


We have had a few days of below freezing weather here lately, and I am just fascinated by the way things look when they are all covered in frost.  But yesterday I found something most unusual.  Its beauty struck me, so I tried to capture it on "film".

The last couple were from a different day, but they were just as striking.  I am pretty sure the spiders are long gone, but having lived for years in places that freeze, I am surprised that this is the first time I have ever seen a frozen spider web.

Car Painting

I saw someone post this activity on Pinterest, and I knew right away that it would be something my boys would LOVE!  And I was right.  It was a little messy, but totally worth it.  All you need is some paint, a large sheet of paper and cars (maybe avoid beloved ones)...make sure to include some with some tread patterns if you have them.  I put a large blob of paint in each corner, then let them loose!


A new year, a fresh start

It looks as if I totally missed posting in may have had something to do with all the craziness that is the holiday season!  We took a break from homeschool preschool during the two weeks between Christmas and New Years, not just as vacation, but because we had so much going on!! But as things returned to normal, it was time to start up once again. 

I had felt like we were slacking a little in the homeschooling department, so with the new year I feel like we have a fresh start.  We started back up with our alphabet at letter L. We read Daniel and the lions den, sang Mary had a Little Lamb, This Little Light of Mine and other songs with L words in them, and even made some rainy day lemonade with fresh squeezed lemons.  Oh, and I can't forget that we got out the Legos (a special treat) and played with them for hours.  We go to the library every week, but this week it counted as another "L" activity (Lunch starts with L too, but I won't go as far as counting it as an L activity, though we did have it every day this week ;0)).

I only captured a few of our activities on "film", and some are just the finished products.  Enjoy!

Thought this made him look like a genius child...but,
 he is actually just dismantling his brothers hard work
and replacing some of the pieces.

Our lamb craft.  Kyle's is the less fluffy one...he didn't like that the
cotton balls kept sticking to his fingers!

Bonus picture of two boys playing happily together.  Yes, that is
the front door...I had to go around the house to get the mail that day.