Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Good Day

Not to say that everyday isn't a good day, but February 15th was a VERY good day. February 14th was a good day too as my hunny and I celebrated another wonderful Valentine's day complete with dinner at Frankie's and followed up by our traditional Cheesecake Factory cheesecake! So what made the 15th better? Well, Doug officially accepted an offer for a full time position at Microsoft!! YEAH Doug!! Oh, and I made a very large batch of sugar cookies :0) How much better can a day get!?!

Yesterday was exciting too! We finally made reservations for our cruise to Alaska with the Beggs. We are all excited about the week long adventure that will be both beautiful and relaxing, and how much more fun to enjoy it with friends!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Summer BBQ and a movie

Yes, we know it isn't summer, but what better way to look forward to the sunny days of summer than to have a BBQ! Our young adults group gathered on this cloudy and somewhat rainy day and enjoyed BBQd burgers, potatoe salad, chips and icy cold drinks. And what event is complete without a movie on a big screen TV complete with surround sound and Doug's not-used-so-much-because-we-live-in-a-condo-subwoofer. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade was the movie of choice, and thanks to the subwoofer Indy really packed a punch!!

Doug's Eee went to Sunday school with him today, and got a lot of attention from the highschoolers. A forum from Eee fans had mentioned that it was a "babe magnet" (which of course I (Erika) am not thrilled about) but from all the attention it got today, I think it is more of a magnet period. Why? I'm not sure...

Friday, February 1, 2008

Rainy days, climbing and looking ahead

The weather finally warmed up this week. We went from freezing temperatures and threats of snow to 40 degree weather and typical Seattle skies (for those of you not familiar with typical Seattle skies: grey and wet). However, we haven't seemed to notice it much; too many other things to do.

Doug has kept busy this week dreaming of his Eee PC. This isn't necessarily the latest greatest in laptop technology, but it is definitely the smallest! On Wednesday his dreams turned into reality and the long awaited laptop (3 shipping days) arrived on our doorstep. I haven't heard about much else since its arrival ;0).

Yesterday we went climbing again a Vertical World. Doug's ability to scale a wall is quickly coming back to him. He climbs a 5.9 like a ladder while poor Mike and I struggle with 5.6 and 5.7. I did try to tackle a 5.10 just for fun, and actually made it past one of the hardest spots, but had to stop just after (only about half way up the wall) because I had used up every ounce of energy I had to make it as far as I did. Maybe next time. Once again both Doug and I came home very sore...I love a workout that doesn't feel like your working out :0).

Today, we look ahead to summer vacation plans. We are planning on taking a cruise to Alaska with Chad and Sarah. We were thinking about late August, but looks like the prices are better in June...may just mean we need more layers at the ports of call ;0). Anyway, I checked with my boss and it surprised me to hear that today was the cut off to put in for summer vacations, so I quickly requested the June dates and hope that will work for us all. Yippee...a cruise, I have never been on a cruise :0).