Monday, January 28, 2008

Snowy weather and an unexpected girls night!

Well, it snowed last night. It has been in the news as a threat all week, and it is finally here. So pretty, but really makes traffic a mess. Doug had plans to take the bus this morning anyway, and even though it was late, I am glad he went that route.

The snowy weather once again filled our guest bedroom. Riann, who was coming into town for an appointment, spent yesterday evening with us. We enjoyed Doug's kettle corn, chatting, and a girlly movie on the movie wall while Doug was busy programming away. Very fun, and once again a great inspiration to tidy before she came ;0).

Well, off to another week of work. Hope the roads are in better shape than they were this morning :0)


It is amazing how much difference a simple garbage can can make! Not that we didn't have one before, but we sure didn't have one like this:

No longer will we gauge "time to empty" on the smell, and an added bonus is the hands free lid! I know, I know...this invention has been around for quite some time, but it doesn't mean I can't be giddy about our new purchase. Just hoping it will continue to keep up the good work.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Work and Play

After a weeks worth of work, we did get to play a little...if you can call it that :). Thursday evening Doug and I joined another couple to go climbing at Vertical World. Wow, you really find out how out of shape you are when you do something that requires strength from every one of your muscles.

After working this weekend, I had today off, and because it was a holiday, my friend Sarah also had the day off. So, as it is rare we have days off together, we used this time to have an outing to ourselves. We started off by window shopping at Country Village, then headed to the mall to check out bargins. The picture is of me in my fantastic finds (only with Sarah's help though). The jeans are Banana Republic, originally $128...on sale for $19.97. The sweater is Eddie Bauer on sale + an extra 30% off of that!! I guess Sarah and I will have to go shopping more often :)

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Microsoft chocolate?

Freebies are always fun, but when they come in the form of chocolate...WooHOO!! Doug said they were handing these out on campus. And if you think advertising on the outside isn't enough, put it on the inside too (afterall that is what most people are paying attention to anyway).

Well, we just finally finished tidying up after the holidays. Only inspired by the fact that we are having people over on short notice this afternoon. If no one ever visited, I think my house would be a constant pit (I hope Doug would tell me if it gets too bad...sometimes I wonder ;0))